
Climbing, also known as rock climbing, is the sport of achieving, or attempting to achieve, high points in mountainous regions, primarily for the pleasure of climbing. Although the term is often loosely applied to walking up low mountains of only moderate difficult,it is more appropriately restricted to climbing in locations with poor terrain. and such hazardous weather conditions, to be safe, you will have certain prior experience. necessary, needs. For the untrained, rock climbing is a dangerous pastime.

Rock climbing

Climbing is different from other outdoor sports in that nature alone provides a field of action — and all of the challenge — for participants. Climbing is the embodiment of thrills created by testing one's courage, resourcefulness, cunning, strength, ability and endurance to the fullest extent in inherently risky situations. Climbing, to a greater extent than other sports, is a team activity, with each member supported and backed by the team's performance at every step of the way.For most climbers, the pleasure of climbing is not only about "conquering" a mountain peak, but also about the physical and mental satisfaction of intense personal effort, increasing levels of skill, and get in touch with the grandeur of nature.


Early attempts to climb the summits were inspired by motives other than sports: to build altars or to see if spirits really haunted the once forbidden heights. To get an overview of yourself or a nearby countryside, or to make meteorological or geological observations. Before the modern era, history records very few attempts to climb mountains just for the sake of achieving them. During the 18th century, more and more natural philosophers — scientists of their time — began making field trips toAlps of Europe to perform scientific observations. The area around Chamonix , France, became a particular attraction for those investigators because of the large glaciers on the Mont Blanc chain . Mountaineering in the contemporary sport sense was born when a young scientist of Geneva, Horace-Bénédict de Saussure, on his first visit to Chamonix in 1760, sawMont Blanc (at 4,807 meters the highest peak in Europe) and determined that he would either climb to its top or be responsible for it being climbed. He offered a bounty for his first ascent to Mont Blanc, but it was not until 1786, more than 25 years later, that his money was claimed - by a Chamonix physician,Michel-Gabriel Paccard, and his porter,Jacques Balmat. A year later, de Saussure climbed Mont Blanc on his own. After 1850, British climbing groups with Swiss, Italian or French guides reached the high peaks of Switzerland, respectively. A landmark climb in the sport's development was the spectacular first step of theMatterhorn 4,478 meters on July 14, 1865, by a group led by a British artist,Edward Whymper. By the mid-19th century, the Swiss had developed a team of guides whose leadership helped make mountain climbing a sport in prominence as they led the way from one peak to another in the world, throughout Central Europe.

By 1870, all major Alpine peaks had been scaled back, and climbers began to seek new and more difficult routes over the already ascended peaks. When the few remaining small peaks of the Alps had been crossed, in the late 19th century, climbers turned their attention toAndes Mountains of South America, North America Rocky Mountains. The Caucasus is on the western edge of Asia, the peaks of Africa and finally the vast Himalayas. Mount Aconcagua 6,959 meters, the highest peak of the Andes, was first climbed in 1897, andThe Grand Teton 4,197 meters in the Rocky Mountains of North America was ascended in 1898. The Duke d'Abruzzi of Italy in 1897 was the first to ascend. Mount St. Elias 5,489 meters, looms between the international boundary of the state of Alaska and the U.S. territory of Yukon, Canada, and in 1906 successfully climbedMargherita Peak in the Ruwenzori Range 5,119 meters in East Africa . In 1913, an American,Hudson Stuck, Denali ups and disasters (Mount McKinley) in Alaska, at 6,190 meters, is the highest peak in North America . The road is open to greater conquests, but it will be the middle of the century before the last fortress, Mount Everest in the Himalayas, is ascended.

Mount Everest Mount everest is the highest mountain in the world with an altitude of 8,850 meters

As the 20th century passed, the truly international character of mountaineering began to emerge. Increasingly, Austrians, Chinese, British, French, Germans, Indians, Italians, Japanese and Russians are paying more attention to the opportunities inherent in the largest mountainous land on the planet,Himalayas and neighboring ranges. After World War I, the British made Everest their specific target. Meanwhile, climbers from other countries have made spectacularly successful climbs to other great Himalayan peaks. A Soviet team climbed Mount Stalin 7,495 meters - later renamedPeak Communism and then Imeni Ismail Samani Peak -in the Pamirs in 1933, a German side succeeded onSiniolchu 6,888 meters in 1936, and the British climbed Nanda Devi 7,817 meters the same year. In 1940–47, the Alpine Journal of London , a reliable chronicler of altitude, first listed no peaks going up — reflecting, of course, the orders of World War II .

In the 1950s, a successful series of inclined mountains in the Himalayas: the French climbed for the first time Annapurna I 8,091 meters in June 1950,Nanga Parbat 8,126 meters by the Germans and Austrians in 1953,Kanchenjunga 8,586 meters by the British in May 1955, andLhotse I 8,516 meters by the Swiss in 1956. In addition,K2 in the Karakoram Range , at 8,611 meters the world's second highest mountain, was first scaled by two Italian climbers in July 1954. Beyond all those, however, the success of the British onMount Everest 8,850 meters; see Researcher's Note: Height of Mount Everest )—when a New Zealand beekeeper,Edmund (later Sir Edmund) Hillary , and the Tibetan guideTenzing Norgay stood on the top of the world on May 29, 1953—was a culminating moment. That expedition, which was led by ColonelJohn Hunt , was the eighth team in 30 years to attempt Everest, and there had also been three reconnaissance expeditions.

An Austrian party reached the summit of Cho Oyu 8,201 meters, just to the west of Everest, in October 1954. In May 1955 a French party succeeded in getting all its members and a Sherpa guide to the summit ofMakalu 1 8,463 meters, another neighbor of Everest. The British expedition that in May 1955 climbed Kanchenjunga, often considered one of the world's most-difficult mountaineering challenges, was led by Charles Evans, who had been deputy leader of the first successful climb of Everest.


Beginning in the 1960s, mountaineering underwent several transformations. Once peaks were climbed, the emphasis moved to a search for increasingly difficult routes up the mountain face to the summit, as in the golden age of the Alpine ascents. A notable example was the 1963 ascent of the West Face of Everest by two members of the first American team to climb the mountain. Furthermore, vertical or other so-called impossible rock faces were being scaled through the use of newly developed artificial aids and advanced climbing techniques. Smooth vertical faces of granite were overcome in climbs lasting days or even weeks at a time—for example, the 27-day conquest by American climbers in 1970 of the sheer 3,600-foot (1,100-metre) southeast face of the granite monolithEl Capitan in Yosemite National Park in the Sierra Nevada, North America . Other notable developments include an increase in the “Alpine” style of climbing the highest peaks, where climbers carry a minimal amount of equipment and supplies and do not rely on porters and other aids. other external support, and an increase in the number of people climbing at high altitudes without the use of supplemental oxygen.